This international, multi-site study sought a better understanding of how socially accountable medical education may be fostering transformation in health and education systems by using an arts integrated research methodology known as Parallaxic Praxis. A key tenet of this methodology is the value of individual and disparate perspectives. These four artworks represent some of the research, relationships, and curiosities of our team dialogues based on data collected at various sites. These works were made through indwelling in the data and are a labour expressed by project artist-researchers to provoke further investigation as well as examine and share material inquiries on communities in relationship and imaginings for future possibilities.
The Stories and Art for Local Transformation in Health and Education (SALT-HE) Project draws upon research supported by the Government of Canada’s New Frontiers in Research Fund (NFRF).
The Stories and Art for Local Transformation in Health and Education (SALT-HE) Project draws upon research supported by the Government of Canada’s New Frontiers in Research Fund (NFRF).